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global spedition

Sustainability Report 2022

Okt. 10, 2023

One more year, Global Spedition remains firm in its commitment to the activity, the society and the entire Environment.


The good actions carried out in terms of sustainability have made us grow as a company and as members of the society in which we develop ourselves. However, the ambition to continue progressing and to continue implementing improvements at all levels, lead us to define ourselves as non-conformists.

This is the reason which makes us publish our Sustainability Report for the year 2022. In this Report, we delve into the heart of Global Spedition, presenting the actions we have carried out and the improvements that are positioning us a little closer to the excellence that we are continuosly chasing.

Far from being satisfied with the achivied progress, we want this Report to serve as a basis and as a precedent for all the advances that we want to continue implementing, always ensuring the well-being of our stakeholders, society and the entire Environment.

You can find here our Sustainability Report for 2022