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global spedition

World Energy Saving Day

Okt. 21, 2022
On Friday, October the 21st, it takes place the World Energy Saving Day


For this reason, from Global Spedition we want to take the opportunity to encourage other companies and the society in general to carry out all possible actions that seek energy savings. In this way, we are not only achieving economical savings, but also the preservation of the resources and, therefore, of the entire Environment. You can find below some of the actions that we are carrying out in Global Spedition in order to achieve our goals in saving energy:

  • Installation of solar panels at our base in Zaragoza, thanks to which we manage to reduce electricity consumption.
  • Limiting the speed of our trucks to 85km/h, with the aim of reducing fuel consumption and, therefore, preserving the Environment. In addition, this action also has its possitive effect on our concern for road safety.
  • Use the neccesary technological and digital means to reduce paper consumption as much as possible.

Working Together on the Road to Excellence